Athens city

Athens is the capital city of Greece. There are over three million people living in the metropolitan area. Although it is best known for the historic tourist attractions, Athens is a very modern city with a well-developed transportation system. It is a very popular tourist destination because of its Mediterranean climate.

downtown Athens

Greece has a program to recycle metal, plastic and glass through Kiosks like this.

A recycling kiosk

One of the best places to get an overview of the city is from the top of the hill. You know, the one with the Parthenon on top. It is as much an icon of Athens and Greece as the Eifel Tower is of Paris France.

A view from the Acropolis
Athens below the Acropolis

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3 thoughts on “Athens city

  1. Athens looks beautiful. And based on the recycling program, it looks like an environmentally friendly city. I look forward to visiting someday. Happy travels!

  2. We have not been to Greece, but it is definitely on our list. Since you asked where I want to go today, I now have to say Greece, lol. Thanks for sharing these great photos.

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