Back in town on a sunny Sunday afternoon, I was impressed by the flowers along the main street in front of the library. After returning some books, my hands were free to grab my trusty cell phone camera and record the scene.

In front of the library, on the opposite side of the sidewalk from the curb, there were also some potted plants as well.

Looking up the street from the library, a large crane has been sweeping clouds away for several years. It’s real purpose is to facilitate the building of a new building to replace a church that burned ten years ago. The steel work of the bell tower is taking shape and will be a prominent part of the new skyline.

Here is a video of the main street on a quiet summer Sunday. Tomorrow it will be four lanes of parked cars and a steady stream of cars on their way to somewhere else.

The steeple was hoisted into place on July 4, 2024. That is not the only construction happening around this block. The library building is the light brown one on the right edge of the picture above. Although not that old, it has been renovated to accommodate the changes happening behind it. In the picture below, the library is on the left. Still looking north, the building on the right, will be the museum when the renovations are complete. It was built in 1886 to be the public school. The “modern” dark structure connected to the other two buildings by glass enclosed walkways, is almost finished and will be the cultural centre. The light grey space along the lower edge was once parking space for the library. This winter it may be a skating pad for the new complex called the Aurora Town Square. Parking for the library is now on the main street and adjacent residential streets.