Bedford Park

A stroll along the Bedford River

Saturday afternoon on July 14, 2018 was a beautiful day for a stroll along the river. The town of Bedford in England had organized a fair to celebrate summer. It was an annual affair with water activities and bands and booths selling all of the carnival souvenirs and food.

The calm river meanders through Bedford.

From the parking lot we saw this modern pyramid in ancient England. Or was it an ancient pyramid in modern England?

There are two buildings for the recreational activities inside, like the swimming pool

The bridge keeps the traffic out of the park, and the river.
In the shade under the bridge.

As we walk along this side of the river toward the center of town we hear the bands beginning to entertain the crowds at the fair.

Some people are seeking a peaceful afternoon on the river so they are heading away from the party.

A great way to cool of on a sunny afternoon.

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One thought on “Bedford Park

  1. What beautiful photos and I so enjoyed my stroll with you in the park. My favorite pictures are the ones under the bridge, I love taking pictures like that.

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