Bickering Birds

Most days things are rather routine at the bird buffet. The menu is always the same, black oil sunflower seeds. The regulars are always there, the chickadees and finches and nuthatches. Occasionally something different appears.

Purple finch and nuthatch

One day while the chickadee had a mouthful, something else showed up. It was unusual and seemed to be having a bad hair feather day.

??? and Chickadee

If you know chickadees, you know they are a pretty vocal group. I do not know if it was about the cowlick but someone’s feathers got ruffled. The chickadee thought about it for a moment, then felt sorry for the outburst.

What was that all about?

All was quickly forgiven and they were soon back to eating and dropping crumbs on the ground.

These days, a lot of us are having bad hair days. How are you getting by?

– Where do you want to go today? –

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