There are many pictures of Cinderella’s Castle from Disneyland, Florida. on the Internet. This post offers you a look at the inside of the castle in Disneyland, Paris. It is not Cinderella’s Castle as I erroneously titled it when I made this post. It is actually the castle of Sleeping Beauty. This correction has been added after the fact and if you know the story, the pictures will confirm who’s castle it is.

A walk around the inside of the second floor tells several tales in the stained glass panels, opened books and tapestries.

The panels in the gallery below can be individually selected and expanded to see more detail.

The last one in the gallery above is a tapestry like the one below. Click or tap on it to see a bigger picture if you want to read the book.

The ceiling is also a work of art.

Imagine you are standing in the center of the main floor of the castle where the chariots roll through and you look up to the balcony that surrounds you and at the ceiling above it all. It looks something like this:

Cinderella’s carriage is not in the castle but in a building near by. It may be worth a closer look. Just click or tap on it to open a big picture.

Doug! Oh. my. When I first saw “Cinderella’s Castle” at Disney World (FL), it was just a gateway with shops. That was around 1972, when they had just opened. But I took a submarine ride that was still among the coolest things I’ve ever done. Thank you so much for these images! My favorite design element is the twisting tree trunks, which captivated me right away. My second favorite design element is the tapestries. And the carriage is very very beautiful. Thanks for the tour!
My first visit to Florida’s castle was for dinner in the restaurant. We were seated by the window at just the right time to watch the fireworks. That was a very memorable event.
Doug, that sounds wonderful. Things at that resort have multiplied wondrously in the last several decades!
Doug, thanks so much for sharing your lovely photos and video. I feel like I am almost there with you.
Has anyone else noticed that I have been calling this Cinderella,s Castle when it is actually Sleeping Beauty’s Castle (Belle au Bois Dormant)