Crossroads to the world.

In my most recent travel vacation, I crossed a road I had travelled the year before in Lima, Peru. This year I was on route from Fort Lauderdale to Easter Island and on to Sydney, Australia. Last year the trip began in Buenos Aires, Argentina and finished in Peru after a trip around Cape Horn.

The port city adjacent to Lima is called Callao. This is where the cruise ships dock beside the container ships bringing supplies from the rest of the world. When the Spaniards ruled this part of the world, the port loaded ships with gold and silver. Minerals are still a major export.

The west coast of Peru and Chile is a narrow strip of desert about 35 miles wide between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountain range. Lima can only expand along the coast and up the side of the mountain. Did you notice all of the colourful homes crawling up the mountain?

Some of the old buildings are being refurbished and re-purposed.

Since there is a premium on real estate, new homes share walls with the neighbour and living space for the next generation is added on top of the parent’s home.
History does not begin with the Spanish conquerors. Although Machu Picchu is believed to have been built at that time, perhaps because the Spanish forced the indigenous people to move inland from the coast. A history of civilizations living centuries earlier is being unearthed here at Pachacamac about 30 miles from Lima.

Peru is also known for its Paso Peruvian horses. Like a luxury car, they have a smooth ride. It is a trait that is instinctive in the way they walk.

And Lima is so much more, a busy city with an Apple iStore, Sheraton hotels, and MacDonald restaurants.
Your crossroad could be wherever you are now. Do you feel that you are always at your cross road?
Actually, you are. Every hour you are making decisions that affect your future. Make sure the decisions are moving you toward a better tomorrow, toward your goals. If the action you are taking does not move you in the direction of your destination, choose a better path. You too can be so much more.
Where do you want to go today?