Fatima Inside
Over the last one hundred years the number of people making the pilgrimage to worship in Fatima has created a need to add more worship space. In 2010, when the pope conducted a mass in the square, half a million people attended. Starting with a simple chapel, the open air Chapel of the Apparitions now celebrates mass or rosary in a few languages every few hours.

From 1928 to 1954 the colonnade and Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary was built. It provides a more conventional worship space with an organ, stained glass and a bell tower.

As attendance at events grew, it was clear that a larger gathering space was required. A competition requested architects to submit designs and selected the best fro the submissions. The international award winning plan became the Basilica of the Holy Trinity and can seat 8,600. It is a unique neo contemporary design and was built in a few years between 2004 and 2007.

Look at the people half way down on the right and the ones in front of the altar to get a perspective on the size of this hall.

A simple design includes the crucifix over the altar and the Immaculate Heart of Mary statue on the left. The intent is to direct viewer attention to the altar and not provide too many distractions.

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amazing pictures of great churches, Thanks for sharing
Really appreciate you sharing this interesting place, somewhere I’ll never be able to see in person.