Beer on the pier
There was a little excitement on the dock when we returned to the pier from our bus tour of Fortaleza. Have you heard of the pleasure craft boating slogan, “leave the beer on the pier”? It is meant to remind boat operators to remain sober when operating their water-craft. In this case, it refers to the beer that was spilt on the pier.

The loading equipment used at this pier was not quite up to the efficiency required of the task. While the tourist goes to town and brings back their “stuff” in bags, the cruise line orders their “stuff” before they arrive and has it delivered to the pier in containers.

The operation involves using the forklift to position the skids beside the truck mounted crane. The crane then lifts the skids or crates from that side of the truck and swings it around to the other side and lowers it onto the loading platform extending from the side the cruise ship.

In the picture above you will notice a skid sitting on top of the load being lifted. I believe it is there to stop the sling from crushing the top cartons on the skid. I also believe that this is in place because of a recently learned lesson with a skid of beer cases.

There seems to have been a mishap with one of the skids of beer. The evidence on the dock shows several beer cases broken open, bottles broken, and contents soaking and running along the surface of the dock. Someone on the loading crew now has to reload some skids with the intact cases and clean up the broken glass from the broken bottles. In the meantime, another truck arrives with some fresh local produce.

These deliveries require inspection before being loaded onto the ship. One of the inspectors is from the security crew, they are checking that what is being loaded is what is described on the manifest and does not contain anything that should not be smuggled onto the ship. One of the inspectors is from the kitchen and inspects the quality of the produce. He tastes the lettuce and cabbage leaves and cuts open one of the watermelons to taste it too. Then, he shares the watermelon with the workers loading the other skids. I did not see him taste or share the beer.

That was a bit of excitement for your day!
I have added a short video of the loading.
My poor (departed) father would have cried at the sight of spilled beer. Of all the pleasures he found in life, his beer was most sacred.
I can imagine the catastrophe, but can’t stop myself from smiling.
All I could think about while reading was Dad, and how he would have been the first to offer assistance with the salvage of the (remaining) crates.
Thank you for triggering some long-lost cherished memories …
I have added a short video of the loading . . .
If we could check a few hours later – there might lots and lots of 🐌 snails!
They loooove beer!
Slows them down a bit and discourages them from eating their way through your vegetables.
I have added a short video of the loading . . .
He did that with more discretion…
I have added a short video of the loading . . .
Just thinking alot of work coordinating and making sure everything is shipshape! I don’t think I would like to work on a cruise ship but I do enjoy being a passenger.
I have loaded a short video of the loading. . .
What a shame – precious cargo. At least I didn’t see my brand of beer. LOL
When I’m on a cruise, I enjoy watching the loading process. It’s quite an organizational feat.
This was Brazil and the beer would be the brands that are always available on their ships. That means these would all be imported beers to Brazil.
I have added a short video of the loading . . .