Fortaleza’s Central Market
From the Cathedral’s balcony, there is a brilliant view of the central market across the street. It is probably painted frequently to prevent or hide the discoloration caused by the humid climate.

The bus drove us over to the parking lot for the market. We were left on our own for about 90 minutes to find lunch and buy anything else we were inclined to buy.

We walked from the parking garage to where we were told the shops were. It was difficult to determine where the parking garage ended and the shopping mall began. A wide paved ramp led up to the upper level just like in a parking garage. It gave a good view of the shops below and indicated that there were more than three levels of shops to explore.

They tried to think of everything to help the shopper tourists. If it was too difficult to push your wheelchair or walker up the ramp, there was an elevator to help you up to the top level. Going down the spiral ramp in a wheelchair could be fun.

There were outdoor markets all over the city but this one was more permanent and offered more protection from the weather.
Are those all shops?? Looks like it would take forever to visit them all!
That is why they only gave us 90 minutes. Thirty minutes per floor if we did not stop to eat lunch.