How High is the Water?
From the bank of the river, on December 14, 2014 the water was this high.

The answer depends on where you are, and when you are there.
Here in Melk, on the fourth of June, 2013 the water was pretty high.

Look at this appealing two-story home. Let’s move around to the left side for a closer look.

Here on the left side of the building where it joins the side shed you will see some markings on the wall. They are the high water marks for various years with the day and month.

The highest was on 15 August 1501. That is just below the ledge of the second floor window.
The most recent high is shown above the shed door for 4 June 2013. Can you imagine your house being filled with water more than halfway up your main floor window? That was roughly 18 months before we visited and took these pictures.
where do you want to go today?