Tourists on Cruise Ships are Welcome
Tourism is a big part of the economy of Mykonos so they have built a modern port for cruise ships to dock and disembark passengers. Luxury tour buses are ready to transport them around the island with qualified guides to describe the history and features of the island.

This is how it looks through my old iPhone 4s. It was old in May of 2016 when these pictures were captured.

The Pacific Princess cruised from Istanbul to Mykonos in 18 hours. They left at 6:00 PM and arrives at Noon the next day. The beauty of cruising is that while the ship was doing its thing, we were travelling, eating a delicious dinner in the dining room, watching live entertainment in the theatre, playing games, sleeping, waking up, exercising, eating breakfast, and getting excited about our choice of a tour on this famous island. All of this without having to check in or out of a hotel, pack and unpack luggage, or be up extra early to get on a bus. <Thanks to Google for the maps used in this and other posts.> Istanbul, Turkey is at the centre top, and Mykonos is in the bottom third about 1/4 of the way from the left edge. Cyprus is in the bottom right just above the Google logo.

Using a telephoto lens I can share my first view of the island from the port. Click image to see full “web” size.
Some images are a little hazy. Some are more clear. Click image to see more detail.
The island is very rocky and for the most part, sparsely populated, except in the summer when the tourists arrive.

– Where do You want to go today? –
What beautiful images! I could happily go there!