New Eaves

Now that the old eave troughs are down, it is time to build the new ones. The down spouts are constructed from the straight pipes in the long cardboard box and the 90 degree elbows in the cardboard box under the work table.

Here are some more videos of men at work. Maybe I should create a video series called “Men at Work”. Naaah, too much like work. You may have heard the quip, “ I love work, I could sit and watch it for hours”.

The production of the new eave trough is done right at the end of the driveway. Inside the truck is a large role of aluminium, like a giant roll of toilet paper. It is already painted with the color of your choice. Then one end of the roll is forced through an extruder that forms the aluminium into the shape of the trough. As the roll continues though the forming die, the trough can be made as long as the length of the house making a seamless trough.

The trough is attached to the eaves of the house with hangers at regular intervals along the trough. These are hidden inside the trough. No visible nails or screws.

Adding the hidden hangers

A hole has to be drilled in the bottom to let the water flow out through the down-spout. A special box is inserted through the hole to connect with the downspout. Where the troughs meet at the corners, they are cut at 45 degrees. Where the trough ends without joining to another trough, an endplate is attached. All joints are sealed with silicone caulking.

There are a lot of steps in the fabrication process.

Do you ever have trouble with your elbows?

careful, don’t cut you fingers

The next video shows the extrusion of a long piece. It has a 45 cut, a down spout, and will get an end stop as shown in an earlier video.

As long as you need it. Tell me when to stop.
Just waiting to be raised up

They did not just leave it laying on the lawn when they were finished, It is installed on the house. I could not show you any pictures of them working on the ladders and installing it on the house from my vantage point inside the house.

Now I will have to wait for a heavy rain storm to see if these larger troughs are better that the old ones that were installed in 1988.

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