If we could follow the water from the Pont-du-Gare aqueduct it would lead us to the city of Nîmes. There it empties into a large fountain in the center of the city. The fountain is surrounded by a lush green garden.

One of the landmarks of Nîmes, is the Maison Carrée (Square House). It was built around 19 BC by the Romans and dedicated to the sons of Agrippa. It is one of the best-preserved Roman temples anywhere.

Another famous landmark is the Roman Arena. It is still used today, and hosts a French form of the bull fight in which the bull is not killed.

To get a sense of how large this ancient building is, look at the woman in the yellow jacket standing on the second floor, second arch from the left.

Notice the reflection of the arena in the windows of the Justice building. The morning sun gives it a lovely golden glow.
As I enter the arena, it reminds me of some of the hockey arenas in Canada.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%AEmes for more information about the city.
Did you know that Denim Jeans are a creation of Nîmes? When the fabric was shipped they contained the package label “de Nîmes” meaning from Nîmes. They were shipped to the world through Genoa, (Gênes) Italy where tailors used the fabric to create the well know clothes.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denim for more information on your favorite Jeans
What exquisite photography! I also like the tidbit about the denim. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Martha,
One of our tour guides told us the story so I had to check the facts before I posted it here.
I would never have thought that Jeans came from France, Huh who knew! I love the square building, It looks like a gigantic sarcophagus. Very beautiful! I would love to visit Nimes – Stopping in France on my way home in a few weeks maybe I can get a peak 🙂