Ripley’s Aquarium in Toronto, Ontario Canada has a good selection of sharks. Help me out here if you know the names of some of these sharks and let me know if I get them wrong.

The Goblin Shark has a pinkish colour because it has translucent skin and its blood vessels are near the surface. But if you look closely you might see a few saw teeth on its long snout. It is more probably a sawtooth shark.

Now, what about this next few. They have a long nose but I do not see any sawteeth. Maybe they are just very dull.
The next collection is the type of shark we often see in the movies.
There are so many varieties of sharks. I am guessing you have not seen this next one. I even caught it chasing its mate/prey.
Wow, what a cool set of picture! i think that millions were scared by the image of the frightening (and mechanical) shark in “Jaws.” Thank you for sharing images of sharks as they really are.