Fairy Lake is located in the center of Newmarket. There is a stream leading into the lake and a dam near the main street. At one time, the town generated its own electric power from this small stream. The town prospered, grew and outgrew the capability of the little stream. It was time to connect to the massive Ontario Hydro grid. For a while, the pond (Fairy Lake) and its surrounding shore was neglected but as the town continued to attract new residents and families grew, the town planners began developing the water resource for family recreational use.

The shore line was cleaned up, the dam was repaired, the pond was drained, cleaned and refilled. A walkway was built along one side of the stream and picnic shelters were added. Now the land was a park that could host entertainment events, concerts and market fairs.

When the tennis courts and community center arena were upgraded and connected with the trail, the town named their great work “Riverwalk Commons”.

Most of this is most appreciated in the warmer weather when the farmers market operates on Saturday morning, and bicycles can cruise along the walkways. However, these pictures will give you a sense of the charm even as the sun sets behind the buildings and temperatures drop to -14 C.

Here is a short video of more action on the ice surface, parking to encourage people to get out of their cars and walk about, and some of the down town buildings.
Do you like winter? Do you have a favorite winter activity? Curling up by a warm fire with a good book counts.
I’m afraid that I don’t enjoy winter very much as I come from a tropical island. This location looks fantastic though! I think I would enjoy it on a less cold day, if it were sunny. I’d definitely love to visit it in the warmer months!
It is nice to have four seasons. Although the calendar says they are all 13 weeks long. Winter seems longer. Spring seems short because the warm temperatures that we are looking forward to in March and April are seldom as warm as we would like. When it does get warm it soon switches to summer and we start complain about it being too hot.
I cannot imagine living with only a dry and a wet season.
It made me think of River Walk in SAN Antonio, Texas. We spent a weekend there. Saw the “Alamo” and remembered our childhood fascinations about Davy Crocket. Remember the coonskin caps and fringed jackets? Donna
Yes, I do remember the Alamo with the caps,jackets and bowie knives. I remember watching the Davy Crocket movie in the Wright Theatre.
Hi Doug. Thank for these great pictures. I like winter better than summer, but I am more of a spring and fall person. This looks like it would be a great place to visit in the fall. Do the leaves turn gorgeous colours there during the fall? I bet they do :). I am adding this to my to-do list when we get to that area one day. Thanks again for sharing.
Yes Samantha, this is a post from the previous Blog Challenge. enjoy. https://jarvie.ca/wordless-wednesday-walk/
Oh the memories your photos brought back when I was younger and the neighborhood kids would go to the corner pond for skating. Your photographs could be greeting cards!
Greetings from 🇨🇦. Merry Merry February.
Yes, you’re right! Those pictures are so charming!! I think you should leave the header up as your header permanently. At least until summer. 🙂
Doug, thank you again for transporting me to someplace so different and charming. (I’m in the desert!) Thank you for the gorgeous photos. Any country inns in that area?