I was a cold afternoon on the trail in Early February. At -10 Celsius the trails were not very busy and I did not see or hear any birds. The only life I saw on the trails were dogs and people.

Getting out of the parking lot and walking up one of the less used trails in the bush I will let you hear what I heard.

Back on the main trail, there is two way traffic. What do you thing the child is thinking of while walking in the bush?

I was interested in all of the trees that were either dead and lying on the ground or the ones that were diseased and cut down. Many would be Ash trees that were prey to the emerald ash bore. Others may be European Buckthorn, an invasive species that out competes with native trees and shrubs.

As I was walking back to the car I noticed one section of the trail that was different from the rest. The ground was littered with something under a few of the pine trees.

But the trails still look beautiful even when it is cloudy and almost dusk. My fingers are freezing from taking my glove off to operate the camera buttons.

Doug, ethereal ! Definitely hot chocolate and coffee weather!!!
Heading down to -18 tonight. Could decide how we celebrate the lunar new year. (Chinese New Year). Might need a little fortification in the coffee.
Love to follow. Soon to be recovering from knee replacement so the only exploration in the woods will be yours.
Last spring I photographed once a week to see the differences …….. it was fabulous!
I love walking in the forest when it has snowed. It always seems so quiet even if there are other people walking too. You can usually see things and deeper than when it is warm and the brush is in full bloom.
I can feel the cold weather but what a beautiful hike! I loved taking cold hikes with the girls when they were young when we lived in upstate NY! Great pics!