After a week of dreary weather, this afternoon the sun revealed what had been happening underneath those cloudy skies.
Today was my once a week excursion to the church to record a service for this coming Sunday. The recording will air on YouTube on Sunday morning. Under the current lockdown, our churches are not allowed to have a service. This is not new, it has been like this since before Christmas.
One of the benefits is that we can reach more people from a greater geographic distance and still comply with restriction. For me the benefit is a reason to leave the house and see what is happening in another back yard. This is what I saw at the church back yard.

One of our parishioners has a love for gardening and is constantly updating the look of the gardens around the church.

There was a time when the church ground was used as the cemetery. At a later time this memorial was created. Since I have to edit the recordings now, I will leave you with this thought.

Inside you there is a quiet place to reflect on the abundant blessings and think with thanksgiving of our wonderful world.

Greetings Doug,
Thank you for sharing the gifts of Spring plants in your church garden. We have limited capacity at our churches here in Oregon, so I have helped my family attend online using Zoom. My church hasn’t touched on YouTube yet, but I like the idea of being able to go back and rewatch the lessons or sermons. Your post asks where I want to go today, my answer would be Alaska!
Sending lots of love and gratitude,
We are back to in- person church in Western New York, but we have to make reservations to attend and we have safety angels to make sure that we are socially distanced. No singing and no coffee hour. Our church reopened during Holy Week. Before that, our priest did live YouTube services. I watched those every week and then, I watched the live YouTube service from the Washington National Cathedral. It was a good time. I could “attend” church in my pajamas. Lucy joined in on the hymns, with a few well timed meows.
We re-opened in mid September with live streaming to Youtube and limited attendance by appointment. Then we had to shut down before Christmas. Expecting a shutdown was eminent, we started pre-recording Christmas material knowing we would not be able to host all of our normal Christmas visitors.
Pre-recording is more work but allows more flexibility of input and polish of the final product.
I love all of the beauty that spring brings! These have been challenging times for people not being able to attend church like normal. But the worlds beauty will still bloom all the way around us!
The flowers make the journey wonderful.
It was like a bonus for showing up.
And the destination splendid.
What gorgeous flowers around your church and such a beautiful alter. Looking forward to your service next Sunday.