Sydney has a well planned harbour destination.
Although I have visited Sydney several times over the last eight years, there is always something new to see. There is so much to see in the Circular Quay harbour area alone.

In February of 2019, my wife and I flew to Sydney, Australia to board the Pacific Princess and “sail” back to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You can see the top of the ship rising above the Overseas Passenger Terminal Building.
This was the third time we had been in Sydney in connection with this ship. First in 2013, it was where we disembarked after sailing from Fort Lauderdale, through the Panama Canal, across the Pacific with many interesting ports of call and flying home from Sydney. The second visit was in 2017, to complete another third of the World Tour. That trip took us to India, through the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean where we disembarked in Venice. This trip was to complete the World Cruise. From Sydney, travelling around the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, back across the Atlantic and up the coast of South America to Fort Lauderdale. There were no canals in this cruise.

The blog posts for this month will show many pictures from some of the ports of call on this cruise.

When we arrived at the port at the appointed time to embarque the Pacific Princess, we learned that passengers were still disembarking because the ship arrived late in port that morning. Being the end of a leg of the world cruise, it is usual for the ship to stay overnight in the port before starting the next leg on the next day. However, in this case they were doing a quick turnaround. The plan was to clean out the cabins and prepare them for the new passengers coming on, about 120 new passengers. Approximately 400 passengers were staying on to continue the world cruise. They had already boarded the ship in either Fort Lauderdale or Los Angeles.

The dock crew were set up to receive our luggage, but they said we would not be able to get our boarding cards and go to our cabins for a couple of hours. They suggested we enjoy the port shops and restaurants. This was also a chance for me to take some photographs for this blog. The photos in this post were all captured with an iPhone 7+ and edited in Lightroom.

Celebrations for the Chinese New Year had just finished and some of the decorations were still hanging around.

A short walk from the harbour is the dynamic city of Sydney. Many young people are drawn to the city for education, entertainment and work.

Below, is a portrait of Aboriginal rights activist and Wiradjuri elder Jenny Munro. It was commission by ANZ in June 2016 . The portrait was done with the street artist’s usual tools and speed; spray cans over a base of house paint, and only took five days to finish.

Thanks for the Sydney share. Sorry you had to wait for your cabin, though.