When one looks at the remains of the famous Carthage city, there is no doubt that they were destroyed. This is the result of the Third Punic War between Carthage and Rome in 149 – 146 BC. From the necropolis we walked the road toward the Medierranean sea. This lead us to the ruins of the Roman baths.
This the viewpoint before we descend into all that remains of the second century Roman baths.

Although these were originally several stories high, only the lower level remains. The original baths were built during the reign of the Roman Emperor, Antonius Pius, between 145 to 165 AD
Remember when pictures are side by side, they can be viewed full size by clicking on them.

They were destroyed by the Vandals in 439 AD and the stones were used by the Arabs to build Tunis around the ruins.

The vertical format video is needed to show the top of the column.

Here is a gallery of the detailed carvings in the stone. (click to enlarge.)

These baths were the largest built outside of mainland Italy, the third largest built, and the largest on the African continent.

These structures are amazing, and the detail is incredible. Thank you for sharing your adventure with me!
One can only imagine the care and hard work going into these stone carvings! Absolutely stunning. Way to go, Romans!
Everyday I come here and I’m amazed at the photos and places we could visit. I wish we were still Homeschooling because it would have been fun to study these places.