What have you planted in the garden of your mind?
Your subconscious mind is like a garden where you can grow your dreams from the seeds you plant there and the nurturing you provide.

Many plants have a cycle of growing and resting. The growing may start from a seed or a dormant root and then grow as it is nourished to develop into a beautiful flower and then produce fruit which will yield the seeds in the next season. Do you think the plant relies on will power to accomplish this? A seed contains all the information it needs to grow, develop and produce more seeds. It does not do this all by itself, it draws upon moisture and nutrients in its environment, energy and warmth from the sun, and pollination with the help of insects and the wind. A seed does not have an intention to develop into something it is not. Apple seeds do not grow into banana trees.
Perennial plants and trees have a cycle which includes a dormant period of resting. This is a temporary state and when they come out of this dormant state, they grow more abundantly than they did the previous season.
When you look at the plants in the garden you will notice that they either grow and expand or they die. It is always either one or the other. What phase are you in now? Are you growing, or are you dormant?
When will you wake up and follow your intentions? We are meant to expand, that is life, growth! Not just physical growth, around the waist, but mental, emotional and spiritual growth. Sometime all are growing together, sometimes growth in one area is faster than the others. There is no reason why we should stop growing in the knowledge of our emotions, our spirit, or understanding of our world, ourselves and our relationship to others and our universe.
In the morning, when your eyes are closed and your brain dreams those wonderful waking dreams, do you ever dream of a beautiful, luscious, well tended garden? You know, those wonderful dreams that you try to keep running. The ones that touch the feelings of your heart where your intentions live. Continue to nurture your dreams so that they will grow into fruition.
Where would you go to be near a garden, to get in touch with the natural laws that all living things must obey. We are wonderful beings with the ability to change the world we live in. That is what we were intended to do. Do it well!