Sheppards Bush Field
Once a field that probably grew hay for the horses, this field is now a soccer field. It can host … Continue reading Sheppards Bush Field
Once a field that probably grew hay for the horses, this field is now a soccer field. It can host … Continue reading Sheppards Bush Field
There is a very large field that contains several soccer fields. That would be football to most of the world … Continue reading Sheppards Bush Trail 2
Part of the space is dedicated to a community garden. It is located near the main shelter but separated from … Continue reading Sheppards Bush Community Garden
There are several buildings in the Sheppards Bush. Some you have seen in earlier posts but here are a few … Continue reading Sheppards Bush Shelters
Most of the trees in this bush are maple trees. That is one of the reasons the colours are so … Continue reading Sheppards Bush Sugar Shack
There is nothing like a stream to break the monotony of a walk in the forest. Fortunately, this lovely sanctuary … Continue reading Sheppards Bush Stream
When I first saw these piles of branches, I thought they were just collecting the branches together for easier pick … Continue reading Sheppard Bush Lean-to
Knock, Knock. Who is there. I could hear him before I could see him. Turn up your volume and you … Continue reading Sheppards Bush Woodpecker
There is a stream running through the valley in Sheppards Bush. Here is a video from the top of the … Continue reading Looking down from the ridge