Canada Day 2024

The 2024 July Blog Challenge begins this month on the first of the month which is also the day that Canadians celebrate Canada Day. It is the day we recognized as the foundation day of our country in 1867. Long before Confederation Day, (previously called Dominion Day) the land was part of the Indigenous Nation of Turtle Island. The following link will tell you more about this holiday.

In previous years, I have posted about the local community celebrations, usually with a parade of floats and marching bands. I have also witnessed the celebration at the national level in Ottawa with Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars going up in smoke, accompanied by fireworks. This year, I am celebrating in the country, among the trees, rivers and lakes of this beautiful and diverse country.

You can play on the water, or in the water.

Maybe you would rather play in the sand.

I prepared a couple of videos for this post but after waiting a couple of hours for the network to upload them, I gave up on them.

– Where do you want to go today? –

2 thoughts on “Canada Day 2024

    1. Yes, Turtle Island. Think of all of north and central America as the back of a turtle. There is a lot written of people who lived here before European settlers came and started their own history.

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