Hotel California Eagles Tribute

Wednesday night and another concert in the park. Tonight’s entertainment was a tribute to the Eagles by a group called Hotel California. As I approached the Town Park I could tell the group was popular because several blocks away from the park cars were parked on both sides of the road. I thought this would be a simple wordless Wednesday post with a few videos. Well, they did two forty-five minute sets and had to decide what Eagles songs they had to leave out. I left at the first intermission to start organizing the video I recorded.

I did not take any pictures so I had to grab some frames out of the videos. For those who do not like to listen to this kind of music, you can turn down the volume or just look at the pictures.

Hotel California band plays a tribute to the Eagles.
This group has a lot of talent.

The audience was definitely enjoying the performance.

There were some Eagles fans in the crowd.

The band is touring Southern Ontario now, in Manitoba on July 27, and will be in the norther states from July 30 until August 13. You will find their schedule here:

– Where do you want to go today? –

6 thoughts on “Hotel California Eagles Tribute

  1. How fun! The Eagles were my favorite band in high school. I sure would have liked to see that tribute band concert. Our city has these Band in the Park, but I never attend. Its time for me to look them up! I look forward to your next post.

  2. Loved hearing all the songs and seeing the great pictures Doug! It looks like it was a sell out crowd!

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