Oitavos Dunes, Portugal
The climate changed very quickly as the bus left the sheltered bay of Cascias and proceeded east toward the Atlantic Ocean. Once the road rounded the curve to face the prevailing wind from the west, we were past the point where the mountain range came down to the sea. The waves in the ocean were breaking on the shore. That would be challenging for an experienced surfer.
This is Cabo Raso point and the Cabo Raso light house.

At this point the road heads north along the Atlantic coast .

I also noticed some lovely flowers growing in the sandy soil.

The sand is blown in by the prevailing winds and builds interesting sand dunes.

This location is near the community of Sao Jorge de Oitavos. Hence the name Oitavos Dunes.

If you have the energy, you can ride your bicycle to here from Lisbon.

Or you could ride to this place near by.

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