Osaka welcomed us back from Kyota with its immense Ferris Wheel in all its glory. The city’s lights were attractive but when I first saw the Ferris Wheel through the bus window, I was anticipating getting some pictures of it from the upper decks of the ship. I did not notice it in the morning when we left. Nancy did mention that she thought there was a Universal Studios Theme park here and we saw what could have been their roller coasters stretching into the sky a few blocks from the port.

Like Kyoto, the lights were on for us, and from the ship’s bridge, the city was spread out all around us.

These pictures will show that the wheel has multiple colours, but only the following videos will show how they change.

If your computer and network support higher speed and resolution the videos can be seen with a higher resolution, speed or even full screen.
Doug, WOW. I had no idea there were such things in Osaka! The Ferris Wheel was fascinating, with the traveling images, and also with what may have been whale calls? Did I get that right? Well, I am certainly glad you and Nancy like to travel, so you can share these amazing sights with us at home! Thank you!
Re the whale calls, more likely someone dragging a table across the deck or a ship horn announcing they were leaving port. 🤫
Beautiful images, as usual. I cannot imagine living close and seeing the Ferris wheel all the time. And how interesting the colors change.
Thanks for sharing, Doug!
Thanks Paul. There are certainly a lot of distractions to keep one awake at night and in the daylight too.
That is so cool! I love looking at Ferris Wheels, but I opt for the roller coasters instead!
What a beautiful Ferris Wheel and it makes me wish I had one here we could go and ride. Although, I would have to go by myself because my husband and son will not get on one. In the meantime, have a nice weekend and thank you for being part of the UBC. I look forward to more of your post.
Thank you Glenda. They are a great way to get a 🦅 bird’s eye view. Perhaps that is why so many cities have them near their center or near a park. Some are interesting enough to view from below. 🙄
So very beautiful Doug! I enjoy fairs and places with ferris wheels though I can only go on those that go at a snail’s pace! and will do so mainly for the view from the top.
If you watch carefully, you will see how slowly this one moves. 😵💫