Ancient Pompeii
Near Naples is the well known Mount Vesuvius. In 79 AD a volcano erupted and buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Before the eruption Rome’s wealthy vacationed in Pompeii. Think summer homes and entertainment.

Naples is in the top left corner. Mt. Vesuvius is top center and Pompeii is bottom right before the Google Earth credit. (About 35 km from Naples.) The map below shows where these places are in Italy relative to Rome and the surrounding countries.

A central part to the life in Pompeii was entertainment in the Amphitheater.

From the arena we started to explore the excavated streets and buildings of the ancient city.

– Where do you want to go today? –
Wow, those pictures are amazing to see. They are a link to a world that is long gone. They connect the present to the past.
I have more pictures for a few more posts on this topic. Thanks for the comment. Enjoy, and blog on!
I can’t imagine how they built such huge buildings back then without the machinery like today. To still be standing saysa lot. So beautiful. My husband’s family is from Naples.