
The word “Ramble” can be a verb or a noun. That means it could refer to the way I may be writing this post as rambling on without making any point, or it could refer to a walk without a plan or destination in mind. OK, I will do a bit of both and add a picture or two to keep your interest.

My last post here was last year. That may seem like only a few months, but it was actually August of last year so now we are looking at seven months. When the weather turned cold I stopped enjoying taking my camera out for a walk. Unlike a dog, it does not whine and complain until I take it out. It is not that I did not have my hands on a camera, but most of that was indoors in a warm church pre-recording and live streaming content for Sunday services.

Winter started here in Ontario about the middle of November. The next few posts will show you a few pictures from a new nature preserve near home that I visited for the first time last fall. The place is known as Joker’s Hill. The terrane is rather fragile so you will have to tie your horse at the gate where the rest of us have parked our cars. Since it is called Joker’s Hill, you should not expect it to be flat terrane either.

The dog knows where to go. No rambling there.

It is a popular spot and some days the parking lot is full and cars are parked along the side of the busy major regional road. It is a popular place for people to walk their dogs and one day I found a group of students working on a video project. They brought in a lot more camera and sound equipment than I like to carry. Maybe even a generator to power it all.

The ground is quite sandy and the spring runoff from the melting snow has carved some deep ravines over the years where the streams erode the soil. The trails have been improved with the addition of limestone screenings to make a more stable surface.

Be careful where the trails lead along the edge of a rather steep ravine.

I am still waiting for warmer weather to return.

– Where do you want to go today? –

9 thoughts on “Ramblings

  1. We are all eagerly waiting for the weather to get warmer! Easter is coming up soon, and we can’t wait to celebrate with our friends and family. I’m already seeing flowers blooming and soon the trees will be green.

    1. Hi Alice. I have noticed that you have not taken a break from blogging this year. You always find something interesting to share.

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