IF you live near a hill and there is enough snow, there is no limit to the amount of fun you can have.

When you get tired of climbing back up the hill for another ride down, you could build a snow fort.

There has not been much snow here yet this year but there will be more over the next few days.
How does that look in motion? here is a short video of some swinging and some sliding.
That looks like fun.
Where I live there is hardly ever snow, and never snow think enough to make the hills fun.
Jimmy Buffet sings about “changes in latitude, changes in attitude” sometimes it takes a change in altitude to find the snow.
I think we all need a little snow hill fun in our lives. Brings back so many childhood memories. Fr.
Isn’t it great to have four seasons to help us appreciate the one we are in knowing that it will soon change
oh well, I will enjoy the snow vicariously through your posts.. 🙂
and glad to see you in the UBC again Doug!
That is good because there’s a lot of it to share
Aah snow! I have lived in some places in Australia where it snowed – Queanbeyan NSW and Hobart TAS.
I will enjoy the snow virtually with you.
I have a friend in Tasmania and because of the north south season swap, we can swap photos to recall warmer or colder times.