Its January 18, 2021. It is a little after 4:00 PM and the sun is setting. Some people have switched on the exterior lights to illuminate the front doorstep of their homes. I notice that many homes are reluctant to put away the Christmas decorations.

Maybe people are more reluctant to put away the Christmas lights and trimmings because it may not have seemed like Christmas this year or they feel like they need to extend the Christmas feeling a little longer this year.
Do you still used a real tree in your home or are you decorating an artificial one. What is the best way to dispose of your tree when it has served its purpose? Our community schedules a pickup date for trees that are left on the curb at the end of your driveway. What happens to it arte it is hauled away? Maybe it is fed into a chipper and used for mulch around other trees or as a topping for trails in the green spaces. One report said that some animals like to eat the green trees. Cows and goats for example. That report also suggested that you could drag your tree into your back yard and let it decompose in a corner at the edge of your garden. It would provide shelter for wildlife and home for insects.
How are Christmas trees disposed of in your community?
Hi Doug-
We have left our Christmas lights up all year and just after Thanksgiving we plug them in again. Some bulbs need replacing, but what a time saver! We also have a couple of larger Italian style light strands that DO stay up all year long. I love the light and the energy it shows!
When I was little, we often didn’t even get out Christmas tree until 1 or 2 days before Christmas. It was always up during January! And full on decorations outside too! During these difficult times, I think keeping the decorations up a bit longer is totally the thing to do!
Great post!
As a child, the tree 🌲 went up Christmas Eve and came down Christmas eve. At the age of twelve, it was my job to get the tree from the nearby forest and to climb the ladder to put up the lights. They stayed up all year round and the burnt out bulbs did not get replaced very often.
I have always used an artificial tree because I use to put our tree up very early and a real one would have died by Christmas. I don’t put it up as early anymore because we have cats now and they have destroyed a few trees over the years. I do usually take my tree down early though because my daughter’s birthday is right after Christmas and i didn’t want the decorations around for her birthday.
I can understand wanting to keep the decorations up for some time, what ever makes you feel better, it is tough these days.
We have had to choose between having a 🐈⬛ cat all year or a 🌲 tree for a few weeks. The cat won out over the tree.
Where did Christmas go?? We plan and excitedly wait for it then it disappears! We have an artificial tree because hubby and granddaughter are allergic to real ones. If we had the room we would leave our tree up for a year round tree.
Can you keep one growing outside in the garden?