A major attraction is the three acre green house. It is designed after a sunflower and has six separate wings off of a central display court. Each wing has a separate theme such as Aquatic, flower, Mystery, cactus, jungle, and tropical. The central court is used for seasonal displays and has an observation tower that reaches up 38 meters.

At the front is a water fountain and at the back, about 20 acres of land containing about one thousand plants from the temperate and warm temperate climates.

That is a lot of walking so a ride on this might be welcomed

The outside gardens are themed for various country styles like Japanese, Korean, Italian, French, Lawn, Herb and Bog Gardens.

Since the country is volcanic it makes sense to make rock walls of Volcanic rocks.

A short video will give you a better feel for the amount of space behind the green house, and an appreciation for the fountain out front.
We love visiting botanical gardens any place we go to, and this looks stunning!
It is possible to spend so much time in one wing that when you return to the center you realize you have been in a different world. Now you are ready to enter another.