Ancient Roman City of Ephesus
On a lovely spring day in 2016, our guide led us for a leisurely stroll down the hill through the ancient ruins of the Roman Provincial capital city. There were many specific highlights but the general first impressions are shown here. A later post will give more specific sections of this wonderful outdoor museum. Enjoy one of Turkey’s renowned archaeological preserves.

Archeological records indicate that Ephesus has been populated since 6000 BC. Part of the kingdom of Pergamon was overtaken by the Romans in 129 BC who raised taxes, and plundered the wealth of the city. Mark Anthony was made Procounsel in 33 BC and spent time here with Cleopatra. Augustus became Emperor in 27 BC and chose to promote Ephesus so that it increased in importance, size and wealth to approach that of Rome.

Things seemed great until the Goths destroyed the city in 263 AD. Constantine the Great reconstructed and added new buildings to the city.