Nike and other interesting statues
The Temple of Artemis, now in ruins, was once a multi columned structure built on the flat (muddy) land near the port. Silver smiths were thriving on the manufacture and sales of the statues and shrines to the goddess Artemis. When the Apostle Paul came to Ephesus, he began convincing them that their idols to their gods were worthless, sales of these profitable items declined and the silversmiths lead by Demetrios began a riot against Paul.
Paul began his preaching in Asia and visited Ephesus with St. John. Paul often spoke in one of the smaller amphitheatres, Bouleuterion, or Odeon like the one below.

Larger statues to Artemis were found in these ruins and are now preserved in the indoor museum of Ephesus. They were found buried near these columns.

Wide streets connected the temples, theatres and other public buildings.

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here is a link to another travel blogger who presents some facts about the modern “Nike”