I heard a lot of yelling as I was getting into my car on a Sunday morning. I was parked a block away from one of the Town baseball diamonds. Being curious, I walked over to the park to see who was playing. This is what I saw.

Moving over behind home plate for a closer view. The teams playing are the London Lightning and the Halton Hawks. They are competing to qualify for the Canadian Championship Tournament. Both teams were playing very well.

What surprised me was that one team, the Halton Hawks, are from one hours drive away. Even more surprising is that the London team drove for two hours. This was not a home game for either of the teams.

You will be able to hear from this video that they are very enthusiastic about the game. You will hear a foul ball hit the fence and see an RBI and the team cheering.
Hi Doug,
Nice shots of the softball game! I wonder if you can tag any of the teams so they can see your perspective of their game. Who won? Thank you for sharing. Jaime
Sounds like a cool Sunday morning! I always like a balanced game. How did it end?
Why do you think they played at your town and not at one of their own fields?
You always have such action packed photos Doug! Baseball is my favorite sport to watch, probably because it’s one that I can understand! LOL
Awesome photos!