Alfarnatejo garden

Alfarnatejo Garden

Before we leave the delightful village of Alfarnatejo, I would like to show you one more treasure the town is hiding. Behind each beautiful whitewashed home is a small courtyard we often call the back yard. In this area, it is probably a part of the mountain that you live on and probably slopes up or down with the rest of the land. How do you make the most of this piece of land? Here is one environmentaly friendly solution.

Shade and water for the hot Spanish summer days.

A garden would be nice but bringing in topsoil to cover the rock would be futile because it would just end up washing into your doorstep. A better solution is to plant in pots that can be set on the rocks.

A flower pot garden.

The pots could also be hung from the canopy or even on the walls.

Decorating the walls.

When one climbs the rock to the back of the yard the view gets even better.

A step or two above.
On top of the world.

Here are a few pictures of the variety of flowers that were growing on April 24, 2018 in Alfarnatejo, Andalusia, Spain.

I suspect the legs on this chair may be cut to different lengths to fit on the sloping hill.

Pull up a chair, just hang it back up when you are finished.
A view from the top.

– Where do you want to go today? –

5 thoughts on “Alfarnatejo garden

  1. Such a beautiful place this is. Wish I could go there right now. Loved the idea of the pots and the chair. Hope to see many beautiful places through your blog.

    1. Thanks for the comment Gina. The Ultimate blog challenges help me to post my travel pictures. There are a lot of older posts available when you want to take a virtual tour. Enjoy, and Blog on!

  2. I love container growing, and hanging the containers from the canopy or walls, sheer genius. I may borrow that idea on my patio this spring. Another nice thing about growing in the containers is it cuts down on weeding

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