African Lion Safari

Between Niagara Falls and Toronto, Ontario it is possible to visit an African Lion Safari. They have most of the big animals from Africa and some smaller ones too.

You can drive through in your own car or ride through on a park bus.

If you roll down your window you get a clear picture.

If you choose to drive your own car, the park will not reimburse you for any damage the animals may do to your car. In some parts of the park, it is not safe to roll down the windows so take some time to wash them clean before starting on your safari.

Believe it or not, this is the guy that is most likely to damage your car.

When you leave this section of the park, some of the park staff are ready with brooms to sweep the hitchhikers off of your vehicle so they do not get into trouble in other parts of the park.

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3 thoughts on “African Lion Safari

  1. Did not know there was this type of attraction around Toronto. There are so many things to see everywhere. Thanks for sharing about the trip — and providing the tips on which ones you really need to watch out for on the road.

  2. Oh I would definitely be on the park bus.The monkeys look like they own the place though .It’s not easy to handle a pack of them!

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