Thanksgiving Colour

This is the weekend that Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving. I woke this morning to the sun lighting the treetops which have started to change to their fall colour.

The view from my bedroom window.

I was up early to help with the streaming of our church service to Youtube. There were some beautiful thanksgiving flower arrangements in the church this morning. Here are a few pictures of them.

Many have commented on how they like to see the fall colours in the trees. This morning these trees across the road from my home shouted out saying “Hey look at me”.

The pine trees on the left will not change colour (evergreen trees) and the dead one on the right should be removed. It would make some heat to warm someone through the winter.

One last thing I would like to share with you is a picture that I had taken last year and just today I found it hiding in a folder from another camera app that I have on my iPhone. These beauties were growing on a rooftop patio of Southlake Hospital. Thanks to whoever looks after those flowers.

Happy Thanksgiving

5 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Colour

  1. One thing I miss about living in the north are all the beautiful colors on the trees. Thanks for sharing your beautiful colors with me and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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