Woodlot Walk 4

Some parts of the woodlot are greener than others. Some have more fallen trees and obstructions on the path.

A greener part of the trail
Its OK, we caught you.
Let’s just leave a space to step through.

All of the dangers are not on the ground, sometimes the hazards are above your head.

Don’t trip or bump your head.

I thought it was time I gave you a wave.

Can I get a wave?

8 thoughts on “Woodlot Walk 4

  1. Hi Doug,
    Walking is my exercise of choice. I enjoy it very much. Your scenic walk is very enticing. I’d love to meander through the woods. I hope you caught my return wave. Thanks for sharing.

  2. another wonderful woodlot walk with you. As I am rushing through the early part of my morning, it was a pleasure to just stop and breathe and enjoy the movies along with the lovely pictures. Thank you, thank you, thank you and waving back atcha from CA! Now I’m going to go out and walk, too, although no woods for me today.

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